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LA Stunt and College Prep
Club STUNT Information Packet

STUNT the Sport:

STUNT is one of the fastest growing female sports in the country and was just given NCAA DII Emerging Sport for Women' status as of January 2023! STUNT is performaed in a head to head 4-Quarter format. Each quarter focuses on these competitive elements

  • Quarter 1:  Partner Stunts

  • Quarter 2:  Pyramids & Tosses

  • Quarter 3:  Jumps and Tumbling

  • Quarter 4: Team Routine

With-in each quarter there are 2-4 rounds of play, depending on the age category. Game STUNT typically lasts about 45-60 minutes. ​

Scoring officials will determine the number and degree of errors made by each team during play. The team with the fewest deductions is declared the winner of each round, receiving points and team with the highest score at the end of the game wins! learn more about stunt the sport and visit

Team Placements and Evaluations

There are 5 potential age groups an athlete could be placed in. 

  • 8U:  (5-8 years old)

  • 11U:  (8 to 11 years old) 

  • 14U:  (11-14 years Old)

  • 18U:  (14 to 18 years old) 

  • 18+:  (18-25 years old)

Athletes will be placed on the team that correlates with their age group. "League Age" is determined by the age of the athlete as of June 1, 2023. Each team will consist of anywhere between 8-24 athletes. Athletes will be chosen to perform in selected plays within their skill level and which benefits the team.​

All athletes attending an evaluations will be selected for a team. If LA STUNT is not able to find a placement for an athlete, 100% of the tryout fee will be credited back. If an athlete chooses to decline a roster spot prior to June 1st. 2023, the initial tuition will be credited back. 



Evaluation Dates:

We offer multiple evaluation sessions. Athletes are only required to attend one evaluation session for STUNT the sport.  Ages 5to25

Session 1:

April 29th 2023 All Ages 11pm-12pm

Session 2:

April 30th 2023

2-3pm   Athletes age 5-11

3-4pm Athletes age 12 & up

Sessions 3:

Monday May 1st, 2023

5-6pm     Athletes ages 5-11

6-7pm     Athletes ages 12 & up

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